About Us

Baseball Gift Shop Logo

We love baseball, that’s all there is to it! We are a baseball family based in Clearwater, FL.

BaseballGiftShop.com was born with baseball fans like you in mind. Our goal is to compile and share the most unique baseball themed gifts, novelties and hand crafted products on the market.

Many of the products found on BaseballGiftShop.com are sold on 3rd party sites. Support us by purchasing through the links on our site. In some cases, products are sold by us and fulfilled by a 3rd party. In either case, we want to make sure your happy!

If you have any concerns,  please contact us at baseballgiftshop@gmail.com so we can resolve your issue. Or, if you were happy, we love to hear about that too! If you want to share a product we should have on our site, let us know.

Visit us on Facebook! Facebook.com/BaseballGiftShop

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